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Charitable Objectives

To promote the permanent preservation for the benefit of the Public generally and especially the inhabitants of the Isle of Wight of the area of the navigable part of the River Medina in the Isle of Wight and the land forming the Medina Valley, and with particular regard to the area designated as a Country Park by the Isle of Wight County Council and generally to protect and preserve the amenities in the area comprising the parts mentioned above, and for the attainment of the foregoing to consider and if it shall seem necessary or desirable to promote, assist or oppose proposals for the use or development of land within the said area.

To promote the benefit of the Inhabitants of the Isle of Wight (Hereinafter called the area of benefit) without distinction of sex or of political, religious or other opinions by providing facilities in the interests of social welfare for recreation and leisure time occupation with the object of improving the conditions of life for the said inhabitants In furtherance of the above objects but not further or otherwise the Association shall have the following powers:-

To protect, preserve, promote, organise, advance and protect from excessive commercial exploitation the use by the public of the opportunities for recreation arising wholly or partly within the said area.

To do all such lawful acts or things as are necessary to the attainment of the primary objects of the Association and so far as may be necessary to do such acts or things in collaboration with any person, body, institution, authority or otherwise.

The full Constitution of the Association can be viewed here


Last updated 10:45 on 11 February 2025

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